Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why I started this blog

Why a blog?  There certainly seem to be a lot of mommy blogs out there.  There's a number of reasons why I thought this would be a good idea.  Here are a few:

1.  I read a lot.  Or at least, I used to read a lot.  Now I read as much as a person with two young kiddos is able to.  But that's still a lot when you have a little baby to nurse.  As a consequence, I have all these ideas rolling around in my head.  I feel like a blog would help me to organize some of my thoughts.  If someone else benefits from my process, wonderful!  Which brings me to my second reason...

2.  Mothering, particularly for us stay-at-homers, can be kind of lonely.  I feel like this blog is a message in a bottle.  I'm throwing it into the ocean.  Hopefully someone will read it, connect, and let me know that they're out there too, and that something I said resonated with them.

3.  I used to write, and I miss it.

4.  I've been looking for ideas to do with my kids, but I usually end up feeling overwhelmed rather than inspired by what people are doing.  I'm going to try, though, to take some of these ideas, process them and turn these ideas into something lovely for my family.  And if I am successful in this, I'd like to think that I've helped others to do the same.

I don't know who you are.  I don't know what brought you to my site.  I'm glad you're here though.  I hope that something I say or suggest or question makes you feel less alone.  And I hope that you are inspired to begin a similar journey.